Friday, February 17, 2012

Five things for true remembrance of Allah- Part-2

Star 2. Remembering Allah’s Statements of orders and prohibition.

In order to remember Allah, we must remember Allah's statements of commands and prohibition.
In proportion to how much a believer lives up to Allah's commandments, he would be able to fight off temptation.
Allah wants you to be happy, satisfied, and content.
When you carry out Allah's commands you capitalize on the opportunity to be the best you can be.
Happiness is the result of carrying out Allah’s commands.
Satisfaction is the product of carrying out Allah's commands.
A tasteful life is the reward of carrying out Allah's commands.
The more a person implements Allah's commands in his life, the more satisfying and tasteful his life will be. The less a person implements Allah's commands in his life, the less satisfying and tasteful his life will be. As an aid to devotion, a person must know that Allah’s commands bring good to him in this life and the Hereafter; and Allah’s prohibition safeguards him from harmful matters, theologies, and practices.
Allah, the Merciful One, did not prohibit things as a measure of punishment or deprivation but rather as a measure of protection from harm, and a shield from evil that safeguards us from destruction.
Star 3. Remembering Allah’s Bounties and Blessings.
In order to remember Allah, we must remember His bounties. He said

{ياأيها الناس اذكروا نعمت الله عليكم}

35:3 {O man kind remember Allah's bounties on you.}

Remembering Allah's bounties means to remember that Allah is the giver of all bounties. This mind set gives a believer an opportunity to be successful.
Allah said:

{ فذكروا آلآء الله لعلكم تفلحون}

7:69 {Thus remember Allah's bounties upon you that you may be successful.}

Allah told us in the Quran that remembering Him brings success.
{ واذكروا الله كثيراً لعلكم تفلحون}

62:10 {Remember Allah much that you may be successful.}
Remembering Allah's bounties blows on the heart like a fresh summer breeze that awakens and kindles Allah's love in the heart of the one who is bounty-conscious.

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